
Senator Urging Farmers to Stand Up for NAFTA

DanIndustry News Release, Trade

senatorRepublican Senator Jerry Moran penned an open letter to farmers and ranchers this week asking them to “do more” regarding concerns surrounding the North American Free Trade Agreement. The letter urges farmers, farm groups, and others, to “raise their concerns” with President Trump. He challenged the industry to do so via op-eds, letters, social media campaigns, and other venues about the importance of trade.

Moran says the voice of lawmakers raising alarm only goes so far, adding that “the real power to change the conversation lies with the American people. The senator wrote that he is convinced the U.S. is headed down a path toward withdrawal from NAFTA unless action is taken by agricultural groups to change the administration’s course. Also, Moran stated he was impressed with the knowledge and conviction exhibited in defense of agricultural trade so far.

From the National Association of Farm Broadcasting News Service.