
Saving Kitchen Scraps for the Spring Garden



Cathy Isom fills you in about some of your kitchen waste you should be saving for spring fertility. That’s coming up on This Land of Ours.

Saving Kitchen Scraps for the Spring Garden

Kitchen scraps that can turn into garden goodies. One of the most popular and well-regarded kitchen waste products for the garden is used coffee grounds. They can provide a bump of nitrogen to plants and condition the soil.

Banana peels will provide a boost of potassium and phosphorus. Once dried out they can be crushed, torn into bits, or pulverized and added to the soil.  

The garden loves citrus rinds (organs, mandarins or clementines) and the rinds are a good distraction for slugs.

Shells are great for improving soil lightness. For example, walnuts or hazelnuts. Or, even eggshells. Crush under foot and mix into the top layer of garden soil to keep it airier. 

Paper towels and rolls can also be of good use for compost purposes, as well other paper products that do not have glossy covering.  Shred up used paper towels and mix them into the top layer of garden soil. You could even cut up the cardboard centers and put them around small seedlings to keep slugs at bay.

I’m Cathy Isom…