Sanitation of Agricultural Field Equipment Questionnaire

Brian GermanAgri-Business, Industry

field equipment

A team of crop pest management and food safety researchers in the U.S. is conducting a survey to gather information on field equipment sanitation practices in agriculture. The study addresses broader concerns about transporting new pests, diseases, and pathogens on shared agricultural equipment. The researchers seek grower and industry input through a brief, voluntary survey lasting less than five minutes.

The aim is to establish baseline information, and understand concerns, practices, and barriers related to field equipment sanitation across various U.S. crop sectors. The survey, conducted by a group of agricultural research and extension professionals, intends to guide future research and outreach efforts. Participation is anonymous, and the collected data will be used solely to shape research questions and outreach activities without publication or distribution.

Listen to the report below.

Brian German
Ag News Director / AgNet West