Cooperative Extension researchers are continuing work looking to combat clove rot in garlic. It can be difficult to identify the disease until the storage phase. Symptoms do not appear until the drying, conditioning, and storage process. The post-harvest disease can result in losses of up to 40 percent in harvested bulbs. A new trial is looking at the efficacy of different fungicides in keeping garlic cloves free of damage.
“This was the first year doing this trial. We had eight different treatments in the trial,” said Jaspreet Sidhu, Kern County Vegetable Crops Advisor. “The trial is harvested, we have the garlic in storage and we will be evaluating the garlic cloves. We have two sub-samples: one at 60 days and then one at 90 days after harvest. We will be evaluating for disease incidents and that’s when we will figure out if any of the treatments have been effective.”
Listen to the radio report below.