Raisin Shipments UP

DanGeneral, Industry News Release, Tree, nut & vine crops

Source: Raisin Administration Committee

The May 2012 shipment report of California Natural (sun-dried) Seedless (NS) Raisins shows that domestic shipments (including Canada) were 14,592 packed tons, compared to 13,036 tons in 2011 (+12%). Year-to-date domestic shipments are 159,928 packed tons compared to 155,150 tons at this time in 2011 (+3%).

NS export shipments (without Canada) for April 2012 were 10,258 packed tons, compared to 11,425 tons in 2011 (-10%). YTD export shipments are 101,350 packed tons, compared to 104,542 tons a year ago, a decrease of 3%.
NS shipments to all destinations year-to-date are 261,278 packed tons, compared to 259,691 packed tons for last year, an increase of 1%.