Proposed Reduction of the Light Brown Apple Moth Quarantine Boundary – San Diego County

Light Brown Apple Moth
The quarantine boundary has been reduced due to no additional detections in the area since July 5, 2016.
Regulated articles and conditions for intrastate movement under the quarantine can be found at Title 3 California Code of Regulations (CCR) section 3434. Pursuant to Title 3 CCR section 3434 any interested party or local entity may appeal a quarantine area reduction.
Process to Appeal the Proposed Boundary Reduction
The appeal must be submitted to the Department in writing and supported by clear and convincing evidence. The appeal must be filed no later than ten (10) working days from the date of this notification. During the pending of the appeal, the designated Quarantine Boundary reduction under appeal shall remain in effect.
Mail Appeals to:
CDFA – Pest Exclusion
1220 N Street, Room 325
Sacramento, CA 95814
Electronic Notification of Boundary Changes
California Code of Regulation allows interested parties to be notified of quarantine area boundary changes, as well as the opportunity to submit quarantine boundary appeals. If interested in receiving notifications, please sign up for regulatory updates through the email notification ListServ at:
For questions regarding the regulations or map, please email Dayna Napolillo ( or Keith Okasaki ( or call (916) 654-0312.