Two crop quality reports were recently released, providing insight into wheat crop conditions in California and Arizona. The 2023 Hard Red Wheat & Hard White Wheat report measures the production of common wheat excluding Duram at 185,000 metric tons. That number represents a notable increase from 2021, which measured 131,000 metric tons. Harvest data for hard red wheat shows a test weight of 65 pounds per bushel. Total defects were down compared to the past four years. Samples were collected from grain handlers and producers from across California.
The report noted the 2022-23 season had above-average precipitation levels in California’s primary wheat-growing regions. These wet early-season conditions had an impact on planting schedules, causing some crops to be planted later than usual. Additionally, issues like geese predation and flooding adversely affected fields in specific areas. Cooler temperatures during the growing season also played a role in delaying crop growth, with some crops lagging behind their average development stages. Wheat crop conditions were generally moderate in relation to disease issues, aside from some stripe rust and powdery mildew on varieties with known susceptibility at some UC trial locations.
The 2023 Desert Durum Crop Quality Report demonstrates an acreage decrease compared to 2022. However, the quality remained uniformly excellent, with yields reaching 3.10 tons per acre. Desert Gold was reported as the most widely grown variety in California, followed by Tiburon. Overall Desert Durum production was down significantly in both California and Arizona. California Wheat Commission (CWC) Estimates put total production for 2023 down at 203,571 metric tons. Arizona was reported at 141,520 metric tons and California production is estimated at 62,051 metric tons. The U.S. Department of Agriculture will make final data available in December. Desert Durum samples were either collected by an FGIS-licensed inspection agency or were submitted by handlers to a licensed agency. Quality performance is analyzed at the CWC Laboratory.

Brian German
Ag News Director / AgNet West