Putin Tells Russia to Not Hurry Grain Movement

DanGrain, Industry News Release

combine harvesting wheat crop Putin
President Vladimir Putin of Russia this week hailed the nation’s farmers efforts in producing the biggest post-Soviet grain crop this week. However, in his message to farmers, he cautioned the country should not be in a hurry to move excess grain. Russia’s Agriculture Ministry Tuesday announced the nation’s grain crop was estimated at 110 to 115 million metric tons, the largest overall grain crop for Russia in 25 years. Pro Farmer’s First Thing Today says wheat exports from Russia are projected around 30 million metric tons. Putin also cautioned Russia’s agriculture industry about rushing to boost exports until global prices for grain increase. He said “we shouldn’t be hurrying to dump extra volumes on the market.” Farmers in Russia this year enjoyed a mild winter and warm, wet summer, helping them bounce back from the 2010 drought. Russia’s agricultural output has gradually recovered from its tough Soviet times when the nation had to import American wheat. Now, Russia is expected to be the biggest wheat exporter.

From the National Association of Farm Broadcasting news service.