Proposed Amendments to California Raisins Marketing Order

Brian German Grapes, Industry, Nuts & Grapes

California Raisins

The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) has announced a public hearing on proposed amendments to the federal marketing order for California raisins. Scheduled for February 13-14 at the Raisin Administrative Committee offices in Fresno, the hearing aims to address recommended amendments by the Raisin Administrative Committee (Committee) to Federal Marketing Order No. 989. The proposed changes include reducing Committee membership, eliminating the designated cooperative bargaining association member seat, lowering quorum requirements, removing producer district representation, and more.

The Committee proposed these amendments due to the industry’s significant size reduction, making it challenging to fill Committee positions. USDA will conduct a producer referendum if the hearing record favors the proposed amendments. The public hearing allows stakeholders to express support or opposition to the proposed amendments for California raisins. The hearing notice was published in the Federal Register on January 12, 2024.

Listen to the report below.

Brian German
Ag News Director / AgNet West