Producer Reaction to New PEDv Reporting Requirements

DanHogs & Pork

Dr. Paul Sundberg

Dr. Paul Sundberg

What do pork producers think of the new reporting requirements? The USDA announced it would mandate the reporting of PEDv infection by pork producers and would implement a tracking system for animals and equipment. While generally supporting the new requirements, the pork industry has serious concerns about how the program will be implemented. Dr. Paul Sundberg, vice president of science and technology at the National Pork Board, says they cannot fully endorse the program until they have more details.

Producer Reaction to New PEDv Reporting Requirements

Check out the latest interim reports from ongoing Checkoff-funded PEDv Research and Resources, located at
Also, the latest edition of the PEDv Update, as well as past issues, offer many valuable tips and links to PEDv information.