
Prepare for the Unexpected Raising Backyard Chickens

DanPoultry, This Land of Ours

prepareYou have your chicken coop, and are ready for your chicks. Today, Cathy Isom gives you some tips about why you should prepare for the unexpected when it comes to raising backyard chicks. That’s coming up on This Land of Ours.

Raising chicks to backyard chickens can be a rewarding experience. But it can be a daunting one if you’re not prepared for the unexpected.

Experts say you should expect to lose one possibly more chicks to death, whether by natural causes or by outdoor creatures that lurk in the night. Another unexpected possibility, your bunch of baby chicks could include a rooster, or two, or three, or more in the bunch. Just make sure you know your HOA or City & County rules if you decide to keep them.

Another unexpected thing you should prepare yourself for when it comes to raising backyard chickens: they will not always lay eggs when you think they should. Some will lay every day, others every other day. Also, those who will lay every day for a month and then take a break.

Make sure they have a good, whole grain food with at least 17% protein. Water them often, and maybe keep the light on until you go to bed.

I’m Cathy Isom…