
Preliminary Injunction Against DOL Rule Allowing H-2A Workers to Unionize

Brian GermanAgri-Business, Labor and Immigration

A federal court in Georgia has temporarily blocked the Department of Labor (DOL) from enforcing a new regulation that would allow H-2A visa farmworkers to unionize. The preliminary injunction, requested by the Southeastern Legal Foundation on behalf of various agricultural organizations and 17 states, halts the DOL’s rule, which was set to take effect.


The National Council of Agricultural Employers (NCAE) praised the decision, arguing that the DOL had overstepped its authority by attempting to create rights that Congress has not legislated. NCAE President Michael Marsh stated that the ruling is a victory for farmers who are already struggling to compete in a challenging market.

The court’s decision applies only to the 17 states involved in the lawsuit. NCAE said it will continue to monitor the situation and may pursue further legal action if necessary to protect the interests of U.S. farm and ranch families.

Listen to the report below.

Brian German
Ag News Director / AgNet West