
Poultry Pets Sicken More than 600 People

DanGeneral, Industry News Release, Poultry

Salmonella traced to backyard poultry flocks and pet chicks and ducklings continues to claim victims, with public health officials now tracking eight outbreaks across 45 states, according to Food Safety News. The outbreak was reported in June and since then, there have been 287 additional cases of illness reported, bringing the total to 611 people sickened.

At least 138 victims had to be hospitalized, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The CDC says “these outbreaks are expected to continue for the next several months since flock owners might be unaware of the risk of Salmonella infection. Victims reported buying live baby poultry from several suppliers, including feed supply stores, Internet sites, hatcheries and friends in multiple states. Some of the places ill people reported contact with live poultry include their home, someone else’s home, work or school settings.

From the National Association of Farm Broadcasting news service.