
Pilot Program Gives Canada Beef and Pork Exports Expanded Access to China

DanDairy & Livestock, Industry News Release

pilotA pilot program is allowing exporters of Canadian beef and pork expanded access to China. The bilateral pilot project announced Monday will expand access to China for Canadian chilled beef and pork, and commit China and Canada to “fully implementing” an agreement reached last year to expand market access for Canadian frozen bone-in beef, according to AgCanada.

Canadian beef exports until now have been limited to frozen boneless beef, with bone-in access approved last year, subject to setting up documentation requirements. The Canadian Cattlemen’s Association says China represents “massive potential” for Canada, and the Canadian Pork Council says the announcement comes at a “critical time” for the industry.

Canada’s pork sector ships more than 70 percent of its product out of the country, and China is the second-biggest volume export market after the United States.

From the National Association of Farm Broadcasting News Service.