Panel Hears EPA Testimony on Glyphosate

DanIndustry News Release

A Scientific Advisory Panel studying glyphosate links to cancer heard testimony last week on the topic. The Environmental Protection Agency gave a presentation last week before the panel saying the consensus is that based on the scientific data EPA has collected, glyphosate is unlikely to cause cancer in humans. In addition to the EPA presentation, the panel also took public comments. One significant event before the panel was witnesses calling into question the research done by Christopher Portier, co-author of a report from the International Agency for Research on Cancer. In July of 2015, Portier gave a scientific briefing in London, saying he was convinced that glyphosate causes genetic damage to humans, which in turn would lead to cancer. Many scientists and glyphosate supporters called his research into question. Witnesses before the scientific panel testified that Portier admitted some of his research into tumor development was done incorrectly. A number of farmers and representatives from the agriculture industry also testified before the Scientific Advisory Panel.

From the National Association of Farm Broadcasting news service.