Condition of Corn Crop

Taylor HillmanCorn, Field & Row Crops

Recent rain made a very small impact on overall corn progress. The corn crop around the nation is very important to California dairy and livestock operations, as it greatly influences…

Budget Cuts and Trend Forecasts

Taylor HillmanCattle, General

Budget cuts and cancelled reports leave livestock analysts with fewer clues to forecast future trends. Gary Crawford has more. Click to open or download audio report…

4-H Program Celebrates 100 Years

Taylor HillmanGeneral

…give presentations, show off exhibits and participate in a cook-off. 4-H members also participate in county fairs around the state with talents ranging from canning to raising and showing livestock….

Consumer Report: Meat Safety

Taylor HillmanGeneral

Livestock producers follow careful food safety practices, but when it comes to meat, there is a golden rule the consumer needs to remember as well – don’t use the same…

Funding for Fairs to be Discussed

Taylor HillmanGeneral

…full swing and thousands of individuals across this state are seeing livestock exhibits and horse racing while enjoying classic fair food,” said Craig McNamara, president of the California State Board…

Backlash from M-COOL Rule

Taylor HillmanCattle, General, Poultry

The new M-COOL rules bring harsh backlash from major livestock organizations. Sabrina Hill reports. Click to open or download audio report. The National Cattlemen’s Beef Association, the National Pork Producers…