NCBA on WTO COOL Tariffs

Taylor HillmanCattle, General

…government to market our product,” said Ellis. “Retaliation is no longer a far off possibility, it is now a reality.” Without legislation to repeal COOL, retaliation will begin in mid-December….

FSMA Seminar to Help Growers with Regulations

Taylor HillmanGeneral

…event this month to help growers and others understand the new Food Safety Modernization Act. It’s hosting an informational meeting on December 17th with speakers from the Food and Drug…

Agri View: Satsuma Oranges

DanAgri View, Citrus, General

…South Alabama. It also had a ready market. About 1935 a devastating freeze killed most of the trees and the crop just vanished. Everett Griner talks about this quaint orange…

Busy December for Ag in Congress

Taylor HillmanGeneral

December will be another busy month for agriculture on Capitol Hill as groups like the American Farm Bureau push to win year-end tax and other legislation. Busy December for Congress…