Growing Organics? FSA Can Help

Taylor HillmanIndustry News Release

…products, which in 2015 was valued at $39.1 billion by the Organic Trade Association. Many organic farmers and ranchers receive premium prices for organic products by following USDA-defined standards that…

Agri View: Soil Care

DanAgri View, Environment, Soil

…and irrigation water goes. Water and dissolved solutes flow over the land or into and through the soil. Sustaining plant and animal life – The diversity and productivity of living…

Agri View: Weather Damage Costly

DanAgri View, Weather

…toward higher latitudes where it sinks and flows back to the equator. The increased heat from El Niño turbocharges the poleward flow, which in turn causes further changes in atmospheric…

State Water Project Allocations Doubled

Taylor HillmanDrought, Water

…pulls south Delta channels – and native fish – in unnatural directions. California WaterFix would minimize these harmful “reverse flows.” There is no exact formula for ending the drought and…

Salt in Our Diet

DanFeatures, General, This Land of Ours

…that 1,500 milligrams.” The AHA recommendation was published in the journal Circulation (November 5th, 2012 issue). According to the Food Standards Agency (UK)3, the human Guideline Daily Amount (GDA) should…

Almond Board: More on AIM

Taylor HillmanGeneral

…various ways the almond industry can help meet the California Central Valley’s exacting air quality standards. This initiative will identify alternatives that will result in cleaner air for all those…

TPP Report on Impacts to Agriculture

Taylor HillmanGeneral

…ensure these standards are properly applied. #3: High-Standard Rules. TPP includes a host of other provisions that ensure the region’s agricultural standards are raised and that American producers can fairly…