USDA Reminds Farmers to Certify Conservation Compliance

Taylor HillmanGeneral

…have a certification form on file since it’s required for participation in most USDA programs including marketing assistance loans, farm storage facility loans and disaster assistance. However, farmers who only…

Beet Curly Top Virus Grower Alert

Taylor HillmanGeneral

Beet Leafhopper Overwintering Adult The Beet Curly Top Virus Control Program (BCTVCP) would like to remind tomato growers to be aware of fallow fields, almond/pistachio orchards, or vineyards with weedy…

Editorial: Country of Origin Labeling

Taylor HillmanCattle

…The USDA’s Agricultural Marketing Service, which enforces COOL, has repeatedly said COOL is not a food safety program, but rather a marketing program. However, as a marketing program it is…

Legislation Introduced in House to Repeal COOL

Taylor HillmanCattle

…labeling efforts, efforts that give consumers the information they are looking for and reward producers all along the supply chain for meeting specifications,” said Ellis. “Programs like Born and Raised…