USDA May Need New Info for Planting Report

Taylor HillmanGeneral

USDA will release its report on planted acreage this week, but will the USDA have to go back and resurvey farmers on their plantings? Gary Crawford has more. Click to…

Food Waste Challenge

Taylor HillmanGeneral

The USDA and Environmental Protection Agency are teaming up for “The Food Waste Challenge”. Rod Bain reports. Click to Open or Download Audio Report…

USDA Asks Growers to Respond to Surveys

Taylor HillmanGeneral

USDA is collecting information from farmers for three upcoming reports and officials are asking producers for help. Gary Crawford reports. Click to open or download audio report….

Nothing Sweet About Sugar Surplus

Taylor HillmanGeneral, Sugar

A huge surplus of sugar is causing headaches for producers and USDA policy makers. Gary Crawford reports. Click to open or download audio report….