Vilsack Concerned about Trade Talks with EU

Taylor HillmanGeneral

As the U.S. and EU are announcing upcoming trade talks, Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack is expressing some concerns about those talks. Gary Crawford has more. Click to Open or Download…

Sequester: Impacts on Meat and Poultry

Taylor HillmanGeneral

The Agriculture Secretary is looking at the possible impacts the sequester could have on meat and poultry supplies and on consumer prices. Susan Carter reports. Click to Open or Download…

Ag Secretary Says Sequester a Bad Idea

Taylor HillmanGeneral

The Agriculture Secretary has been talking to several major media outlets about the sequester and what a bad idea it is. Gary Crawford reports. Click to Open or Download Audio…

Better Safety Rating for U.S. Beef

Taylor HillmanCattle

…is recommending the United States be dropped to the lower “negligible” risk classification for bovine spongiform encephalopathy, also known as Mad Cow Disease. US Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack says…

Awaiting Answers on Farm Bill

Taylor HillmanGeneral

…Many agriculture organizations have issued statements expressing disappointment with the farm bill extension. Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack says he’s also disappointed with aspects of it. Vilsack points out there were…

Ag Regulations Topic of Meeting

Taylor HillmanGeneral

…or Download Audio Report They will discuss ag regulatory, environmental, and irrigated land regulatory programs. Several speakers are scheduled. The board advises the governor and the CDFA secretary on agricultural…