No Meat Inspector Furloughs Coming

Taylor HillmanCattle, Poultry

Congressional action makes it possible now for the Agriculture Secretary to transfer funds to keep meat inspectors on the job. That news is certainly welcomed by the meat industry. Gary…

Secretary Ross Optimistic about CA Ag

Taylor HillmanGeneral

California Agriculture Secretary Karen Ross says she’s optimistic about the future of California agriculture. She was one of several state agriculture leaders to speak at the Outlook 2013 Conference held…

ASFMRA Outlook 2013 Conference Underway

Taylor HillmanGeneral

…this morning. A number of speakers are planned throughout the day, including California Secretary of Agriculture, Karen Ross. AgNet West is at the conference and will bring you more updates….

Waiting for a Budget

Taylor HillmanGeneral

The wait for an approved budget continues, as does the sequestration. The Agriculture Secretary gave reporters an update this week. Susan Carter reports on what he had to say. Click…

USDA Working on Crop Insurance Problems

Taylor HillmanGeneral

The USDA is addressing problems with specialty crop insurance. Sabrina Hill reports. Click to open or download audio report. For Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack’s full comment, click here. Agriculture Secretary

Vilsack to Congress: Ag Research Necessary

Taylor HillmanGeneral

…or Download Audio Report Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack says we need more money for ag research. He says there will be a penalty if the money isn’t found. That penalty,…