California Weekly Grain Report

DanGeneral, Grain

…Paid by feed manufacturers and other users, delivered plant or Receiving station. All prices are offers for prompt shipment unless otherwise stated. For the full report/prices, please CLICK HERE. (.pdf)…

Daily California Eggs


Prices are steady. Trade sentiment is steady to instances lower. Demand is light to moderate on moderate to occasionally heavy offerings. Supplies are moderate. Market activity is slow. Shell egg…

Daily National Broiler Market at-a-Glance


Broiler/Fryer: Daily National Broiler Market at-a-Glance Whole broiler/fryer prices are trending steady in the West, weak in the Midwest and weak to lower in the East. Offerings of all sizes…

Daily National Turkey Market at-a-Glance


…firm with offerings prices and trading noted at higher price levels. Demand moderate. Offerings very light to light. The market on 4-8 lb. breasts is steady with a steady to…

AFBF: EPA Greenhouse Gas Plan Harmful to Economy, Agriculture

DanCattle, Citrus, Corn, Cotton, Dairy & Livestock, Energy, Environment, Field & Row Crops, Forage Crops, General, Grain, Hogs & Pork, Industry News Release, Poultry, Seeds, Specialty Crops, Sugar, Tree, nut & vine crops, Vegetables

…Bureau Federation said today. The EPA’s attempt to impose a 30-percent reduction in carbon dioxide on the nation’s power plants will lead to higher energy prices. Farmers would face not…

USDA Selects 2014 Class of E. Kika De La Garza Fellows


…experiences will add to their institutions’ educational capacities. HSIs are accredited and degree-granting institutions of higher education with a full-time Hispanic student enrollment of 25 percent or more. Through partnerships…

Ag Industry Reacts to EPA Draft Rule for Air

Taylor HillmanGeneral

…and ranch families if implemented – as well as lead to higher energy prices. AFBF President Bob Stallman says U.S. agriculture will pay more for energy and fertilizer under this…

SJV Weekly Cotton Market Review


For the San Joaquin Valley Spot cotton trading was inactive. Supplies were light. Demand was light. Average local spot prices were lower. Foreign mill inquiries were light. The crop progressed…

California Hay Report

DanCattle, Dairy & Livestock

Compared to last week: Prices traded mostly steady to firm most areas. Demand remained very good in all regions on active trading activity. The supply of hay in California is…