Citrus Industry This Week: Citrus Expo Seminar Reports

Tacy CalliesCitrus

Today’s issue of Citrus Industry This Week from Florida includes more reports from the recent Citrus Expo seminars. Topics include growers replanting, psyllids and nutrition, disease weapons and nursery technology….

New Drone Hitting Market Soon

Taylor HillmanTechnology

An company called Aussley Associates caused quite the buzz at the 2015 Citrus Expo in Florida last month. Business Management Developer Henry Kotula was showing attendees the company’s new drone…

2014 Kern County Crop Report Up 12 Percent

Taylor HillmanGeneral

…2014 are grapes, almonds, milk, citrus and cattle and calves, which make up more than $5 billion (66 percent) of the total value; with the top 20 commodities making up…