Farmers Business Network

Mid-Year Field Crop and Acreage Production

DanCommodity Report, Field & Row Crops, Industry News Release

Field Crop and Acreage ProductionBarley:  California’s barley harvested acreage is forecast at 30 thousand, is up 20 percent increase from last year. Nationally, Harvested acres at 2.58 million acres, is down 17 percent from 2015.

Corn:  California farmers expect to harvest 75 thousand acres for grain 2016, up by 25 percent from 2015. Nevada’s corn growers planted 5.0 thousand acres in 2016, 150 percent increase from last year. In the U.S., corn planted acreage is estimated at 94.15 million, up 7 percent from last year. Growers expect to harvest 86.55 million acres for grain, up by 7 percent from 2015.

Cotton:  California’s cotton growers planted 55 thousand acres of Upland cotton and 155 thousand acres of American Pima cotton in 2016. Upland acreage is up by 17 percent, and American Pima acreage is up by 32 percent from 2015. Nationally, planted Upland cotton acreage is expected to total 9.82 million acres, up by 17 percent from 2015. Growers planted 199 thousand acres of American-Pima cotton, up by 26 percent from 2015.

Dry Beans:  An estimated 45 thousand acres planted in California were seeded to dry edible beans for the 2016 season, unchanged from last year’s total. The U.S. dry edible bean seeded acreage is estimated at 1.69 million acres, down 4 percent from last year. Acreage for harvest is estimated at 1.63 million, down 5 percent from a year ago.

Hay:  On June 1, California growers expected to harvest alfalfa from 870 thousand acres in 2016, up by 10 percent from last year’s 790 thousand acres. The California estimate for all other hay to be harvested is 425 thousand acres, up by 9 percent from 2015.

Nevada growers expect to harvest alfalfa from 220 thousand acres, up by 10 percent from 2015. The Nevada estimate for all other hay to be harvested is 140 thousand acres, up 17 percent from 2015. U.S. acreage harvested for alfalfa hay is estimated at 18.07 million and all other hay harvested acreage is expected to total 38.06 million acres. Alfalfa is 2 percent above and other hay is 4 percent above 2015.


 Oats:  Oats were seeded in California on 110 thousand acres for 2015, down by 8 percent from last year’s acreage. Acreage expected to be harvested for grain totaled 10 thousand acres, unchanged from last year. Nationally, Growers expect to harvest 1.17 million acres, below by 9 percent from last year,

Rice:  California’s seeded rice acreage is estimated at 564 thousand acres, up 33 percent from last year. Long grain rice at 9 thousand acres was up 29 percent from 2015. Medium grain rice at 510 thousand acres was up by 34 percent. Short grain rice at 45 thousand acres was up by 25 percent. U.S. growers are expecting to harvest 3.19 million acres of rice in 2016, 24 percent above last year. Long grain rice will be harvested from 2.45 million acres, medium grain rice from 695 thousand acres, and short grain from 46 thousand acres.

Safflower:  California safflower growers planted 56 thousand acres in 2016. Safflower acreage is down 5 percent from last year’s total. U.S. growers are expecting to harvest 144.7 thousand acres, 9 percent below the previous year.


Sugar Beets:  California growers have planted and intend to harvest 25.2 thousand acres of sugar beets, up 2 percent from last year. U.S. growers planted an estimated 1.17 million acres of sugar beets for 2016, up less than 1 percent from last year.

Sugarcane: Hawaii growers intend to harvest 14.9 thousand acres, down 11 percent from 2015. U.S. growers producing sugarcane expect to harvest 918.2 thousand acres in 2016, up 3 percent from 2015.

Spring Potatoes:  Beginning in 2010, California’s winter and summer potato estimates are included in the spring totals. U.S. growers in the spring producing states planted an estimated 52 thousand acres, down 26 percent from 2015.

Sunflowers:  California’s planted and harvested sunflower acreage is forecast 45.4 thousand acres. Planted sunflower acres were up by 32 percent from last year. U.S. growers are expecting to harvest 1.58 million acres of sunflowers in 2016, down 12 percent from last year.

Sweet Potatoes:  California’s sweet potato planted and harvested acreage is forecast at 20 thousand acres. U.S. planted sweet potato acres were up 5 percent from last year. U.S. growers are expecting to harvest 161.2 thousand acres, up by 5 percent from 2015.

Wheat:  California’s Durum wheat planted acreage is estimated at 50 thousand acres, down by 23 percent from last year. The 45 thousand acres to be harvested for grain is 25 percent below 2015. California’s acreage seeded to wheat other than Durum totaled 420 thousand acres, up 5 percent from last year. An estimated 175 thousand acres of California’s wheat other than Durum will be harvested for grain, up 17 percent from 2015.

Nevada’s acreage seeded to wheat other than Durum totaled 10 thousand acres, up 25 percent from last year. An estimated 7 thousand acres of wheat other than Durum will be harvested for grain, up 17 percent from last year. Nevada’s acreage seeded to other spring wheat totaled 4 thousand acres, unchanged from 2015. An estimated 2 thousand acres of other spring wheat will be harvested for grain, unchanged from last year.

U.S. Durum planted acreage for 2016 is estimated at 2.15 million acres, up 11 percent from the previous year. The area to be harvested for grain is expected to total 2.08 million acres, 10 percent above last year’s level. U.S. acreage harvested for Wheat other than Durum is estimated at 30.2 million acres, 6 percent below 2015.

Read the full report. (.pdf)