
National Water a Flower Day

Dan Nursery crops, This Land of Ours



If it wasn’t for the flower, our world would be a very barren place to live. Cathy Isom has the yearly reminder to show flowers how much we appreciate them. That’s coming up on This Land of Ours.


Tuesday, May 30th is National Water a Flower Day. And not just one flower, all of your treasured flowers and household garden plants.  To keep them alive, they need water. So, this is your yearly reminder to show our flowers how much you appreciate them for their beauty, vibrant and sumptuous colors, fragrance and sometimes medicinal properties. The best way to celebrate National Water a Flower Day is by giving all of your household and garden flowers a drink of water. You can use a watering can or a watering pot. Or, if you don’t own such a thing simply use a bottle or a cooking pot or mug. You could also take smaller plants and flowers to the sink and shower them with just a little bit of tap water. National Water a Flower Day is also an opportunity to care for the gardens of those who may be homebound or in the hospital.

I’m Cathy Isom…