
Lighthizer: NAFTA Negotiation at Warp Speed, May Not Be Successful

DanIndustry News Release, Trade

naftaU.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer said this week that negotiations on the North American Free Trade Agreement are moving at “warp speed,” but may lead to no agreement.

Lighthizer said: “we don’t know whether we’re going to get to a conclusion. That’s the problem. We’re running very quickly somewhere.” Lighthizer says the U.S. would like to reach an agreement and conclude the negotiations with Canada and Mexico by the end of this year. He refused to answer any questions about whether the administration planned to propose a “sunset” provision to automatically terminate NAFTA after five years, unless countries agree to extend, according to Politico.

Lighthizer made the comments during a speech at the Center for Strategic and International Studies. He also commented on China, calling the nation an “unprecedented” threat because of policies that subsidize domestic production, create national champions, force technology transfers and distort markets.

From the National Association of Farm Broadcasting News Service.