McKinney to Lead Trade Mission to Southeast Asia

DanIndustry News Release, Trade

USDA Under Secretary for Trade and Foreign Agricultural Affairs Ted McKinney will lead a trade mission to Southeast Asia July 16-19. He’ll be joined by U.S. business and state government leaders who are seeking to expand agricultural opportunities in Southeast Asia. The trade mission will be based in Jakarta, Indonesia, but will also include delegations of buyers from Malaysia and the Philippines who are interested in purchasing U.S. farm and food products.

mckinney“USDA trade missions are an incredible opportunity for companies looking to branch out into new markets,” McKinney says. “Participants have the chance to forge personal relationships with potential customers and learn first-hand about the ins and outs of doing business in those countries.”

Like much of the rest of Asia, Indonesia, Malaysia, and the Philippines are experiencing rapidly growing economies, rising middle-class populations, and continuing urbanization. Those are all factors that contribute to favorable conditions for U.S. export expansion.

Trade mission participants include members of the Georgia and Idaho Departments of Agriculture, as well as representatives from 24 U.S. businesses.

From the National Association of Farm Broadcasting News Service.