Marijuana and California Agriculture: Part Six

Taylor HillmanCitrus, Corn, Cotton, Field & Row Crops, Forage Crops, General, Grain, Specialty Crops, Sugar, Tree, nut & vine crops

Sabrina Hill completes our series on illegal marijuana grows and the problems they can cause for the state’s farmers with final thoughts from Fresno County Sheriff Margaret Mims.
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During our six-part series on marijuana and agriculture we’ve discussed what farmers and land owners should watch out for, like unusual points of entry in to large fields, and unevenness of crops. As well as what they should do if they suspect there is a marijuana grow on their property, which is, of course, call the authorities.. Now Fresno County Sheriff Margaret Mims shares a few final thoughts.

To see Part One in our series, click here.
To see Part Two in our series, click here.
To see Part Three in our series, click here.
To see Part Four in our series, click here.
To see Part Five in our series, click here.