Marijuana and California Agriculture: Part Four

Taylor HillmanCitrus, Corn, Cotton, Field & Row Crops, Forage Crops, General, Grain, Specialty Crops, Tree, nut & vine crops

It’s harvest season for the state’s most dangerous crop. Sabrina Hill continues our series on marijuana and California agriculture, with what you should do if you suspect someone is using your land to grow marijuana.
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Marijuana grows are causing serious problems for some farmers around the state. California has become a popular place to grow marijuana, because for one reason plants grown here can be as much as four times bigger than plants grown in other areas and pot that’s sent to be sold over in the Eastern U.S. is worth as much as $4,000 a pound.

So what do you do if you’re a farmer or a landowner and you find a marijuana grow on your land? Fresno County Sheriff Margaret Mims says call the authorities.

To see Part One in our series, click here.
To see Part Two in our series, click here.
To see Part Three in our series, click here.
To see Part Four in our series, click here.
To see Part Five in our series, click here.
To see Part Six in our series, click here.