Marijuana and California Agriculture: Part Two

Taylor HillmanCitrus, Corn, Cotton, Field & Row Crops, Forage Crops, General, Grain, Specialty Crops, Sugar, Tree, nut & vine crops

A Fresno County farmer talks about the troubles he faced when a marijuana operation started up on land near his produce crops. Sabrina Hill has the second part in our series.
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Dennis Simonian is a prominent Fresno County grower, with a popular area produce store. During a seminar on marijuana and legal agriculture, he spoke first hand on the problems he had when growers planted marijuana across the street from his land.

He said it caused a big problem during harvest time. He said as his workers were picking grapes, people from the drug operation would often be spotted running through his vineyards.

It’s a series situation, because often those people with large marijuana grows are armed and dangerous. Other problems Simonian faced were the amount of people going to the marijuana crop at all times during the day and night – sometimes stopping to go through Simionian’s crops and help themselves to boxfuls of his produce.

To see Part One in our series, click here.
To see Part Two in our series, click here.
To see Part Three in our series, click here.
To see Part Four in our series, click here.
To see Part Five in our series, click here.
To see Part Six in our series, click here.

For more of Simonian’s comments, click the links below.

Farmers fighting crime

Strong odor a sign of nearby crop