When it comes to compliant farm labor bathrooms, there are several rules operations have to mind. The new Food Safety Modernization Act’s Produce Safety Rule inspections are highlighting the need for cleaning frequency and documentation. “And that same thing is true for your bathroom facilities. They need to have a cleaning and sanitizing log for those as well,” Western Agricultural Processors Association‘s Director of Food Safety Priscilla Rodriguez said.
Several rules have to be followed for bathrooms to be fully compliant. Aside from the actual cleaning, location can be especially tricky with multiple regulations dictating placement in a field. “We have FSMA to worry about but also CalOSHA, so there are labor laws you have to deal with like making sure that they are in walking distance,” Rodriguez said. “So the placement, trying to comply with two different rules can be difficult.”
With FSMA’s Produce Safety Rule, the location of a restroom is all about limiting the chances of spreading bacteria. “The biggest issue with placement (in FSMA) is they don’t want it to be a potential source of contamination,” Rodriguez said. “So not putting it in the rows, maybe outside of the rows or adding a barrier. If not, having some practices in place so if you do have a leak or contamination, what are you going to do to control that.”