With 2020 quickly coming to a close, industry members are looking ahead at some of the labor concerns coming in 2021. Executive Director for the California Farm Labor Contractor Association (CFLCA), Lupe Sandoval said that some of the latest laws signed by Governor Gavin Newsom will be on farmers’ minds. There are also a number of concerns related to how COVID-19 is going to continue to impact agriculture in the year ahead.
“It’s going to be one of those things that we’re going to have to continue with extended paid sick leave issues, workers compensation insurance issues, Cal/OSHA compliance requirements. There’s a number of issues with COVID that still remain to be a challenge,” Sandoval explained. “But it’s not just COVID, it’s other wage and hour requirements that are changing on a regular basis and becoming much more stringent here in California.”
Many of the important agricultural labor questions will be addressed at the upcoming Ag Labor Forum <https://agnetwest.com/virtual-ag-labor-forum-coming-up-november-17-18/> hosted by CFLCA.
Listen to the report below.