Heat Illness Prevention Training

Taylor HillmanCattle, Citrus, Cotton, Field & Row Crops, Forage Crops, General, Specialty Crops, Tree, nut & vine crops

How can you keep your workers safe and make sure you’re following the law? Heat illness prevention is the topic of several workshops coming up. Sabrina Hill reports.
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With another hot California summer approaching, heat illness prevention is a top priority for farm labor contractors and others in agriculture. Contractors and farmers will have the opportunity to attend one of several training workshops sponsored by a number of local and state agriculture associations.

Each of the trainings will focus on the four elements of heat illness prevention: drinking plenty of cool water; ready access to shade; full and complete training; and written procedures identifying the the business’ heat illness prevention program. Employers will also learn the importance of heat stress prevention as well as the consequences and intent of the law.

Growers, field supervisors and farm labor contractors can attend any of the training seminars held in English and Spanish, around the state in April and may.

For the State of California’s “Heat Card”, click here.