Growers Tell Lawmakers about Labor Shortages

Taylor HillmanCitrus, Cotton, Field & Row Crops, General, Specialty Crops, Tree, nut & vine crops

A group of prominent specialty crop producers talked to lawmakers this week about the urgent need for immigration reform. Sabrina Hill reports.
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Speaking at House Ag Subcommittee hearing in Washington D.C. this week, fruit and vegetable farmers drove home just how dire the situation can be, when ag labor is in short supply.

Farmer Bill Brim of Georgia said that without this labor, the U.S. will lose its specialty crops to other countries, where workers are available. Grower Sarah Frey-Talley of Illinois told lawmakers there are already problems for growers. She said growers are forced to leave produce in the fields because of the labor shortages.

Some did tell lawmakers they’re encouraged by the recent progress toward a reform bill.