SACRAMENTO (USD/NASS / CDFA) – For the 2019 crop year, the Pierce’s Disease assessment will decrease and the Grape Crush Report assessment will increase slightly. The Grape Crush Report assessment rate had not been adjusted in over twenty years, although the number of wineries significantly increased over this period. The California Department of Food and Agriculture (CDFA) and United States Department of Agriculture – National Agricultural Statistics Service (USDA-NASS), who cooperatively prepare the Report, streamlined activities and implemented more efficient publication and postage processes to help lower costs. However, other expenses continue to increase over time, thereby necessitating an increase in the assessment. The assessment for the Grape Acreage Report remains unchanged.
The total assessment for the Grape Crush and Grape Acreage reports for the 2019 marketing season (July 1, 2019 – June 30, 2020), has been established at twelve cents ($0.12) per ton on all grapes received in California for crushing, fresh weight equivalent. Eight cents ($.08) will defray the cost of preparing the Grape Crush Report; four cents ($.04) is for the Grape Acreage Report. The Pierce’s Disease Control Program assessment fee will be one dollar ($1.00) per one thousand dollars ($1,000) of value.
These assessment rates are established annually by the Secretary of the California Department of Food and Agriculture, as required by Sections 55601.6 and 6047.7 of the state’s Food and Agricultural Code. A letter outlining the changes will go out this week to Grape Crush Program stakeholders.
Questions about the grape crush assessment fees or reporting times can be referred to Jennifer Van Court or Lena Schwedler at (916) 738-6600. Any questions about the Pierce’s Disease Control Program and/or assessment may be referred to the Program at (916) 900-5024.
Source: USDA/NASS and California Department of Food and Agriculture