
Governors Strongly Support TPP

DanGeneral, Industry News Release

Many U.S. Governors Strongly Support TPP

TPP logo-Governors
A discussion panel at the National Association of Governors Meeting in July concluded that agriculture will be a big loser if the Trans-Pacific Partnership isn’t passed by Congress. The TPP involves 12 nations and covers 40 percent of the world’s economy. The agreement opens up new and lucrative markets for American agricultural products overseas. Farm Progress Dot Com says governors at the meeting called attacks on TPP “misguided,” citing attacks from members of Congress as well as the presidential candidates in the upcoming election. U.S. Trade Representative Michael Froman was in Iowa for the meeting as the Administration’s top person trying to sell the agreement to a skeptical Congress. He said the agreement is projected to boost the U.S. economy by $4.4 billion annually. Froman told the audience, “We’ve got to get it done this year. If we don’t get it done, given the current political climate, I’m not sure it would get done.” Supporters say it would give the U.S. influence over trade in the Pacific Rim, and supporters warn that China is ready to step in if the U.S. doesn’t.

From the National Association of Farm Broadcasting news service.