livestock groups

Foot-and-Mouth Disease Confirmed in South Korea

DanCattle, Industry News Release

south korea
South Korea has confirmed the presence of foot-and-mouth disease at a dairy farm this week, the first confirmation in the country in nearly a year. Government officials say there is another suspected case in the nation, though it has yet to be confirmed. South Korea’s Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs said the disease was unlikely to spread widely as it was one of three types of illness the nation inoculates against. However, as reported by Reuters, the government put in place a nationwide standstill order for farms with cloven-hoofed livestock and related transport for 30 hours after the confirmation on Monday. All 195 cows raised on the farm with the confirmed infection have been culled to contain the disease. Meanwhile, South Korea continues to grapple with a nationwide spread of bird flu which has led to the culling of more than 30 million birds in the nation.

From the National Association of Farm Broadcasting news service.