FID Deliveries to End in July Due to Limited Supply

Taylor HillmanCitrus, Corn, Cotton, Field & Row Crops, Forage Crops, General, Industry News Release, Specialty Crops, Tree, nut & vine crops

Fresno Irrigation District (FID) water deliveries for 2013 will begin coming to an end by the middle of July for the Fancher and Dry Creek Systems as a result of this year’s limited water supply.
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At its June 18 meeting, FID’s Board of Directors voted to continue deliveries of water through July 31 on the Herndon system. Water deliveries will cease July 15 on the Fancher and Dry Creek Systems due to a lack of remaining water with which to serve the entire District.

Directors took the action after reviewing the latest water supply forecast for a 35% Kings River hydrological year and reports on FID’s remaining limited water supply.

“It has been a challenging supply year because of this year’s extremely dry conditions,” said Gary Serrato, FID General Manager.

By the time deliveries end and the canal system is de-watered, FID will have delivered approximately 348,000 acre-feet of water during this delivery season.

“Our growers have again done an outstanding job working with our water system operators in scheduling deliveries and conserving water,” Serrato said. However, he added, growers will now need to rely upon groundwater for any late summer or fall irrigation.