
FDA Commissioner Scott Gottlieb Resigns

Brian GermanGeneral

U.S. Food and Drug Administration Commissioner Scott Gottlieb announced his resignation on Tuesday, which will take effect in about a month.  In a note to FDA staff, Gottlieb indicated that he wants to spend more time with his family in lieu of commuting back and forth from Connecticut to Washington.


“This is a very special institution, and the work that binds us in a shared mission is inspiring…I’ll depart knowing that the FDA is strong, its people outstanding, and its mission well recognized and deeply respected across the government, and indeed, across the world,” Gottlieb said in his letter to colleagues.  Several administration officials commended Gottlieb for his work as FDA Commissioner, including President Donald Trump.

“Scott Gottlieb, who has done an absolutely terrific job as Commissioner of the FDA,” President Trump tweeted, “has helped us to lower drug prices, get a record number of generic drugs approved and onto the market, and so many other things. He and his talents will be greatly missed!”

Taking office back in May 2017, Gottlieb has been outspoken and aggressive in his priorities for the FDA and what the agency should be centering resources around.  Gottlieb made headlines after his keynote address at Politico’s Pro Summit in Washington where he raised concern about milk labeling.  “There is a reference somewhere in the Standard of Identity to a lactating animal,” Gottlieb stated. “An almond doesn’t lactate, I will confess.”

Under Gottlieb’s leadership, the FDA has worked with the U.S. Department of Agriculture officials to help streamline produce safety requirements for farmers.  The FDA also worked on updated plans relating to public warnings about product recalls.  An FDA report also demonstrated that sales of antibiotics for animal agriculture have declined by 33 percent in one year while Gottlieb was commissioner.

It is unknown at this time will be taking over the responsibility of FDA commissioner once Gottlieb leaves the office.

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Brian German

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Ag News Director, AgNet West