Farmer’s Reply to Rep. Costa on Water

Taylor HillmanField & Row Crops, Forage Crops, General, Grain, Specialty Crops, Tree, nut & vine crops, Vegetables, Water

WATER POSTWe have been telling you this week about Congressman Jim Costa’s support of Senator Dianne Feinstein’s water bill that recently passed through the senate. Merced County farmer and water official, Kole Upton, says there’s a better way for Costa to support water for the state’s farmers and food production. Sabrina Hill reports.

Kole Upton on Water

Kole Upton is a Merced County farmer and the chairman of the Chowchilla Water District. He’s also with the Merced County Sphere of Influence Water Users Association, on the board of directors for the Le Grand-Athlone Water District and Director of the Madera Chowchilla Water and Power Authority. Clearly, he’s very hands-on with California water. His message to Congressman Costa: there’s a better way for state politicians to support California’s food production. Upton says Feinstein’s bill doesn’t hit the mark, and will still leave farmers short-changed. He supports a bill by Assemblymen Valadao, McCarthy and Nunes.

Listen to the audio above for more.

To hear the full interview with Upton, click here.