The Department of Labor (DOL) has issued a final rule aimed at strengthening protections for temporary ag workers by making several changes to the H-2A program. DOL has noted the rule will provide new protections for worker self-advocacy, clarify “for cause” termination, and ensure employer accountability. However, the rule has raised concerns about adding additional complexity to the H-2A program.
American Farm Bureau Federation President Zippy Duvall said that while farmers prioritize safety and protection for their workers, the new rule assumes guilt until innocence is proven. Duvall pointed out that with the new 600-page rule, the Department of Labor has issued 3,000 pages of new regulations in the past 18 months. “In truth, the workers most supported by DOL are the lawyers needed to interpret the tsunami of new rules that keep moving the goalposts for farmers,” Duvall said in a press release.
Listen to the report below.

Brian German
Ag News Director / AgNet West