AgNet West has partnered with the Western Agricultural Processors Association (WAPA) to disseminate critical information discussed at the 2019 Annual Conference to those who cannot attend. AgNet West will be interviewing speakers after their presentations, broadcasting live through Facebook. Videos will also be posted to the AgNet West website after the conclusion of the conference. Interviews will focus on the important highlights from presentations as well as questions raised by industry members.
Natalie Krout-Greenburg from the California Department of Food and Agriculture will be providing insight on the implementation of the Produce Safety Rule as part of the Food Safety Modernization Act. Mike Wade from the California Farm Water Coalition will also be giving a presentation on the current water situation in California. Other presentations will include a look at current tax and labor laws, as well as important information about what is going on in Sacramento. There will also be regulatory and legislative updates from various WAPA personnel.
Over the course of three days, attendees will also have the opportunity to network with other industry members, enjoy the Annual WAPA Membership Dinner which features comedian Craig Shoemaker, experience the WAPA trade show, as well as participate in the annual golf tournament.