
Enhancing Food Safety Through U.S.-Mexico Partnership

Brian GermanAgri-Business, Trade

The U.S. and Mexico are working towards enhancing food safety through strengthening cooperation between the two countries. The Statement of Intent for a Collaborative Partnership on Food Safety was signed by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the Federal Commission for the Protection from Sanitary Risks (COFEPRIS), and the National Service of Agro-Alimentary Health, Safety and Quality (SENASICA). During a virtual ceremony, officials from both countries noted how this latest partnership will take a more forward-thinking approach to food safety.

Enhancing Food Safety

“Our enhanced food safety partnership with our Mexican colleagues will play an important role in helping each country’s respective efforts to create a modernized food safety regulatory framework,” FDA Commissioner Stephen M. Hahn said in a news release. “We can bolster our important work protecting public health in both countries and prevent foodborne diseases by using modern technology, preventive practices based on technical and scientific evidence, as well as actions of health surveillance and verification measures.”

The Statement of Intent is in line with previous collaborative efforts for enhancing food safety. The FDA, SENASICA, and COFEPRIS already have a working relationship based on the amount of trade between the two countries. The pillars of the partnership between the three agencies have been prevention, outbreak response, regulatory laboratory collaboration, and outreach.  The new partnership will allow for an even greater understanding of the other country’s food safety system to further strengthen areas of mutual interest.

The FDA, SENASICA, and COFEPRIS will be increasing interagency cooperation with the inclusion of all human foods under FDA jurisdiction. The Statement of Intent details plans to embrace the use of new and emerging technologies in implementing food safety measures. “Through this new partnership, the FDA, SENASICA, and COFEPRIS will enhance our level of collaboration to strengthen food safety and leverage new approaches that further protect consumers in both the U.S. and Mexico,” said Frank Yiannas, FDA Deputy Commissioner for Food Policy and Response.

About the Author

Brian German

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Ag News Director, AgNet West