
Edible Plants You Re-Grow

DanThis Land of Ours

edible plants
Cathy Isom has tells you about some of the edible plants you can re-grow over and over. That’s coming up on This Land of Ours.

Edible Plants You Re-Grow

When produce starts to go bad in the fridge your first instinct may be to just toss it. But you could re-purpose and save some of your would-be kitchen scraps and watch them re-grow over and over. Such as Lemongrass or Garlic. Don’t toss the garlic cloves with sprouts, plant them in rich, well drained soil in a sunny location. Greens, Celery, Onions, Leeks and Fennel can also be re-purposed. Pineapple works, too. Herbs, such as Rosemary, Basil, and Lavender will also re-grow with the help of rooting hormone.

The seeds from many fruits can be replanted, though often they will grow into trees, which may or many not eventually bear fruit, depending on climate, pollination, and location. So why not experiment with sprouting seeds from fruit or from your pantry, like mustard, coriander, garbanzos, chia seeds, popcorn, raw nuts, etc. You’ll have much better luck if you buy organic, since some non-organic kitchen scraps have been treated with growth inhibitor and simply won’t re-root.