Draft Program Environmental Impact Report

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California Department of Food and AgriculturePEIRbannerThe California Department of Food and Agriculture is circulating a Draft Environmental Impact Report (PEIR) for the Statewide Plant Pest and Management Program for a 45-day public review and comment period.

The review period begins Monday, August 25, 2014 and ends on Wednesday, October 8, 2014.

During this period, the Department will hold five public meetings in San Diego, Los Angeles, Tulare, Sacramento and Napa. The purpose of public circulation and the public meetings is to provide agencies and interested individuals with opportunities to comment on or express concerns regarding the contents of the Program EIR.

How to View

  • The Program EIR and supporting documents are available for download from the CDFA PEIR website at www.cdfa.ca.gov/plant/peir/.
  • Hard copies of the Draft PEIR will be available for review during regular business hours by prior arrangement at the following location:

             California Department of Food and Agriculture
             1220 N Street
             Sacramento, CA 95814

  • To arrange to view the Draft PEIR at CDFA offices, please call (916) 403-6881 or email laura.petro@cdfa.ca.gov.
  • Printed copies are also available at cost plus postage, upon request by phoning (510) 986-1850.
  • CD-ROM copies are available on request by phoning (510) 986-1850 or emailing PEIR.info@cdfa.ca.gov.
  • During the public review period, CD-ROM copies of the Draft PEIR will be available at repositories throughout the State at the locations listed on the CDFA PEIR website.
  • They will also be available at the public meetings listed above.

Visit the PIER website.