Critical Reactions to House Vote

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Critical reactions are continuing to come in, after the House voted against the Federal Agriculture Reform and Risk Management Act Act of 2013 with a vote of 195 to 234 yesterday afternoon. Sabrina Hill reports.
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American Farm Bureau Federation President Bob Stallman issued a statement after the vote saying, “the American Farm Bureau Federation is highly disappointed the House did not complete work on the 2013 farm bill, the ‘Federal Agriculture Reform and Risk Management Act of 2013.’ It was a balanced bill that would have provided much needed risk management tools and a viable economic safety net for America’s farmers and ranchers.”

Read his full statement here.

California Congressman Jim Costa says the House of Representatives failed rural America and consumers when it voted down the Farm Bill yesterday afternoon. He said – quote – “Growing up on a dairy you always knew when you stepped in it, unfortunately most of my colleagues never worked in a dairy.”

Costa went on to say the failure to pass the bill was a slap in the face of the nation’s farmer’s consumers and rural economy.

To read Costa’s full statement, click here.