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Cotton Producers Report A Decrease in Planting Intentions This Year

Brian GermanCotton, Field & Row Crops, Industry

Cotton Producers

The National Cotton Council’s Early Season Planting Intentions Survey indicates U.S. cotton producers plan to plant 9.8 million acres of cotton this spring, down 3.7 percent from last year. Upland cotton intentions are at 9.6 million acres, a decrease of 4.3 percent, while extra-long staple (ELS) intentions show a 37.7 percent increase to 202,000 acres.

In the West, upland cotton acreage is expected to increase 21.5 percent. Cotton producers in California are set to increase plantings significantly from 2023. California acreage is projected to increase 62.9 percent compared to the previous year. ELS cotton acreage in the West is also forecasted to increase 37.7 percent from last year, largely due to improved weather conditions compared to 2023. In California, ELS cotton acreage is expected to surge by 62.2 percent.

Listen to the report below.

Brian German
Ag News Director / AgNet West