Concerns for Another Proposed Mill Tax Increase

Brian GermanAgri-Business, Industry

Mill Tax

The Department of Pesticide Regulation (DPR) is looking to raise the mill tax once again, raising concerns for farmers. California Farm Bureau’s FarmTeam is encouraging producers to reach out to state legislators in an effort to stop DPR from raising the mill tax from 21 mills to 28.6 mills over a three-year period. This, in combination with other increases in registration and licensing fees, would amount to $33 million in additional taxes on farmers and ranchers.

In a press release, CFBF President Shannon Douglass explained that “Raising the mill tax would increase costs of producing food and further burden families with even higher food prices at the grocery store.” The proposed mill increase comes as California grapples with a significant budget deficit. While Governor Gavin Newsom presented his revised budget plan which includes spending cuts in several areas, he is supporting the increased tax on pesticides, which will help add more than 100 new positions at DPR.

Listen to the report below.

Brian German
Ag News Director / AgNet West