Closer Look at Bee Health Decline

Taylor HillmanCitrus, Cotton, Field & Row Crops, Forage Crops, General, Specialty Crops, Tree, nut & vine crops

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A USDA scientist takes a closer look at the true causes of bee health decline. Sabrina Hill reports.
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A major study into the bee decline showed there are many factors involved. And USDA Chief Scientist Dr. Catherine Woteki says a tiny pest is a big part of the problem. A natural pest to bees, a tiny mite can infest hives and weaken the bees.

Woteki says another factor is nutrition. She says bees need to have nutrients just like people do in order to grow and to maintain good health.

Also a problem, the amount of travel the bees do. Being shipped across the country to pollinate a variety of crops causes stress to be bees and that can lead to health problems within the colony.

Bees are vital in agriculture and Woteki says research into the decline is a priority for the USDA.